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How Do I… Prepare my Winter Garden so it’s Ready for Spring?

How Do I… Prepare my Winter Garden so it’s Ready for Spring?

The warmer months will be here before you know it – here’s what you can do now to reduce your garden workload in spring.

While you may not feel much like gardening when it’s chilly outside, put a little work in now and you’ll reap the benefits with a garden that’s ready to enjoy come spring. 

Adapt your routine for the season
Stick to your regular summer gardening routine in winter – simply reduce the amount of time you spend on it. For example, if you mow fortnightly in summer, you might switch to mowing monthly in winter. And if you spend three hours a weekend maintaining your garden in the summer months, you might reduce that to 90 minutes a weekend when the weather cools.
Focus on keeping your lawn well-watered. Winter in Australia can actually be drier than summer – a fact not everyone is aware of.
Add mulch to dry winter garden beds to keep in moisture from rainfall or hosing. Choose organic mulch as it will break down over time.
Feed the soil; add fertilisers and dig in any compost and manures.
Stay on top of pruning in winter as it’s vital for the healthy growth of your plants. Pruning your roses in August, for example, is crucial preparation for new growth in spring and summer.
Keep an eye out for winter grass and weeds that flourish in the cool, damp months.

Tackle the bigger jobs
Use the cooler, quieter months to step back and assess what your garden needs in the long term. 
Is your garden looking a bit flat? If yes, introduce some colourful, winter-flowering plants.
Do you have any labour-intensive tasks on your to-do list, such as building a new garden wall or an outdoor patio, or installing garden edging? If yes, now is the time to do them.
Consider whether your backyard works for you year-round. For example, does the side of the house where the grass refuses to grow become a mud pit for three months of the year? Rectify this by adding a stepping-stone side path.

Protect your veggie garden
Add some manure, straw, and compost to the veggie garden in winter to repair and replenish the soil. This way it will be settled and in good condition when you’re ready to plant in spring.

Spring clean your garden towards the end of winter
Use a gurney to remove mould and marks from pavers.
Rake up leaves and debris.
Prepare for new plantings by clearing dead plants and weeds.
Top up water features and clean out ponds by removing any leaves that have blown in.
Wash down outdoor furniture, oiling timber pieces if necessary.
Clean the barbecue.

… and avoid one of the most common winter-gardening mistakes
With grass growing slower in winter, many people will often lower their mower height. But this can actually end up scalping your lawn, which means it has no protection for its roots during the heat of summer. Protect your grass by keeping your mower level high.

This article is thank to Houzz

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