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Ten Tips For A healthy Lawn

Ten Tips For A healthy Lawn

A lush green lawn is a dream of every homeowner. It enhances the appeal of your home and creates a lovely cool atmosphere. Maintaining a green lawn required some essential knowledge, and out of many things, mowing is an important exercise to keep your lawn looks attractive. If you know the tricks of keeping your lawn in a perfect shape, it may be a simple task. Mowing required skill, and you should be aware how often you have to mow the lawn and how to maintain it looks healthy. Keeping a lawn healthy required the right mowing practices.

When we think about the best lawn mowing practices, there are only two important things prominent in the techniques. The first one is, what should be the length of the leaves to maintain from the turf while mowing and second important aspect is the frequency of mowing service. Depending on these two factors, we can maintain a healthy looking lush green lawn.
In this article, we will present you 10 mowing tips for the maintenance of a healthy looking lush green lawn

1:Use the Right Lawn Mower:

Towards maintaining a healthy lawn, you need to have a proper lawn mower matching to the grass type. The selection of the lawn mower plays an important role; hence you need to consult with a lawn management expert who can give you valuable advice in this regard. It is important to check the type of turf you have and accordingly you need to select a lawn mowing machine. If you are already using a lawn mower, then make sure that the mower is in pristine condition, and the machine can chop the grass properly without damaging the turf. You need to fine-tune your lawn mower periodically and sharpen the blades for better performance.

2: Maintain proper length of the grass:

Many people do have confusion about the length of the grass required to maintain from the turf. You need to keep the blade length correctly, as it can only chop one-third of the grass tip. If you increase the cutting length, it can damage the grass.

3:Keep changing the mowing direction:

It would be better to keep different mowing pattern. Doing mowing, always in one direction may compress the soil and grass. So to avoid the damage possibility, it is better to mow the lawn in a different direction. If you do the mowing horizontally, then next time do the mowing, in the opposite direction. Using different mowing pattern will eliminate or reduce the mower wheel marks on the lawn. Keeping different mowing pattern will give a healthy looking lush green lawn.

4:Mow while the grass is dry:

It is ideal to mow the lawn when it is dry. You can have even mowing experience while it is dry. You can do the mowing even if the grass is wet, but you will not get a perfect result, as the wet grass will quickly clog in the deck of the mower. Further, as you mow, it will fall over and clump together. If you see the fallen grass off the mower, remove it from the lawn as it can damage the grass. When the soil is soggy, do not mow as the machine may create wheel ruts and damage the turf. In the event, if you feel it is essential to mow, then you can do so while it is damp and spray oil or silicone spray underside of the machine, so that grass will not stick to the tire of the mower.

5: Remove the weeds:

Make sure to remove the weeds the moment you see them sprouting out of the grass. If you can remove the weeds timely, you can prevent it from spreading other areas of your lawn. The best way is to manually remove it or use a good weed eater agent, and make sure that your lawn is free of weeds.

6:Regular and proper watering:

Periodic and appropriate watering is an important thing for maintaining a healthy green lawn. You need to adopt the best watering methods and make sure to give 1-2 inches of water once in a week. Instead of watering in a single day, you can do the watering 3 or 4 times in a week. As a best practice, you need to do the watering early in the morning, when there is no heavy sunlight. The air and mild sunshine will help to evaporate the water gradually by keeping the moisture contents in the turf. Do not irrigate during the evening, as it will be a reason for developing molds and other forms of infectious issues.

7: Usage of fertilizer:

Use only limited and recommended quantity and brand of fertilizers for your lawn. If you use the fertilizer in the recommended amount, then it can give a positive look for your lawn. Excess use of fertilizers is a big no as it will spoil the soil. If you can use one pound of nitrogen for 1,000 square feet that will be more than enough. Sometimes, depending on the turf condition, you may have to change the fertilizer compounds. Consult with a soil analyzer and find out the proper fertilizer for your turf, which can give a fantastic result for your lawn.

8:Feed your lawn:

For giving natural nourishment, you can use the grass clippings as a feed for the lawn. You can use mulch mower to make grass clippings, which will fine chop the grass clippings and pushed out to the turf. The finely chopped grass clippings can serve like a turf and prevent the soil from excessive moisture loss during warm climate.

9: No traffic:

Avoid walking over the lawn as this can damage the grass. You need to develop a separate footpath or promenade in case if you want to walk on the lawn regularly. Also, do not let your children play on the lawn as this can gradually damage the grass.

10: Mowing in the shade:

Do mowing during the cooler part of the day. Doing mowing during the day with high sunlight will put a lot of pressure on plants and the grass will take a long time to recover the damages. During the heat of the day, grass loses more water. Hence, it is better to do the mowing when sunlight is weak.


Many factors involved in maintaining a healthy lawn. However, you need to make sure that you have a good mower and have the right tool to keep it perfect. Whenever you are engaging in lawn mowing, make sure the blades of the mower is sharp enough to meet the requirements. Also, make sure to do the mowing with a regular frequency. If you can maintain all these points systematically, you can certainly have a healthy, lush green lawn.

This article is thanks to our friends at

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